Monday, April 29, 2013

I get by with a little help from my... @_Mitchellaneous @julieroneson @kelleyDelight


Note: Shaun is missing from this photo because he got to stay an extra day in Birmingham to work on a scholastic project with the Alliance of Young Artists and Writers. These, however, were the faces that captured the sadness that he remained behind and we had to leave Alabama.

Soon after, we fell asleep on the plane exhausted, but totally fulfilled.

When I returned my mother called and told me she read the post about the Sheraton's policy of charging for the internet and thought I wasn't enjoying the trip. No, I didn't like their internet policy!!!! Absolutely everything else about the USN conference and my trip to the city was unbelievable.

Dr. Tonya Perry is a visionary who brought together a once in a lifetime experience for us all and through collaboration with the Civil Rights Institute, we were able to attend programming for the Lessons of the Birmingham Movement: Youth, Activism, and the Struggle for Human Rights conference (Check out the event). What we experienced and who we met can never be replicated.

I have always loved the National Writing Project for the way it respects teachers. They see educators as professionals and treat us this way.

I was so proud of Julie, Shaun, and Kelley for presenting on Textual, Tech-tual, and Textured Lineages (and even prouder of the evaluations they received from those who attended their session). In fact, as the session came to a close, participants stood up and hugged them. HUGS. It was such a beautiful thing to see.

Sadly, the conference came to an end, but all of us are inspired to keep the vision alive.

1 comment:

  1. Finally getting around to reading this...
    CONGRATULATIONS to all of you. So proud to know that the work started last summer is spreading thanks to your collective efforts.
    Here is my digital hug < >! (big enough for you all)
