Sunday, November 17, 2013

Almost a full moon on a Saturday night...

...and I set the agenda to have all the tasks on my Saturday list completed by 5 p.m.. Yet, at 5 p.m. I looked out my front window and realized it was getting dark, the moon was almost full, and I accomplished little. Oh, well. So full was she that I didn't have to have any lights on. I was working by moonlight.

Did I accomplish everything?

Hell, no!

 But I did enjoy the 30 minutes where the moon arose from the horizon to the top of my windows. I don't mind either, because on a Saturday, the pace of the day was balanced without the interruption of useless meetings. The work week fails because of those meetings. They're impossible, really.  On Saturday, however,  the work can get done and I actually ran AND took a walk. In fact, I listened to an episode of Intelligence Squared and the debate of whether it was better to live in a blue state or a red state. I won't tell you who won the debate, but I can say that the east and west coasts, according to the argument that won, are trapped in an old paradigm where there is only a wealthy and impoverished class - nothing in between. It sounds like there's more breathing room outside the blue least that's what I got out of the dialogue: the point: don't live in Connecticut unless your part of the elite. The class divisions of America are at a ridiculous all time high.

And as I looked at the moon, I missed the Brown School and the days of All Atars and Mr. Moonbeam.

Buoyant in the sky, the moon gives the earth meaning until the sun rises again and ruins all our dreams.

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