Friday, November 22, 2013

It was a short-lived trip, but the NWP family reunions are tremendously useful for recharging the soul #NWPAM13

I couldn't stay long, but I remained long enough for three sessions and a trip to the MIT Media lab through having connections with the Connected Learning crew that have been overly gracious to me. I'm also proud that CWP-Fairfield had something to say in all three of the sessions yesterday and I continue to be inspired my colleague in Bridgeport, Shaun Mitchell. He definitely deserves the title digital guru.

For me, the highlights of this trip are many, including the simple fact that Boston is a wonderful location for any conference. The city is alive and one can't help but feel its magic for intellect, creativity, and innovation from the second you step on the streets. An hour after arriving, the opportunity to see great minds working at MIT dazzled my brain and helped me to realize that playfulness, brilliance, and the challenge to solve tremendous world problems brings the greatest innovations. I remain awe-strong at the silkworm sculpture designed by the ingenuity of nature, human intrigue, art, and problem solving (see photo above).

It was also great to see my many friends from across the US (you go, Kentucky) - individuals who continue to believe in the power of the National Writing Project and who understand the best practices we promote. Investments in teachers pays off.

Alas, I arrived home to Connecticut only to realize that I left my iPad in the room where I presented the last two sessions. If anyone sees an iPad in a black and red case, please find a way to contact me and let me know where it is. I traveled with the iPad alone these two days, trying to lighten my load and, absentmindedly, I left it on a table. I didn't put it with all my other items when I packed up to leave. I was trying something new - a total reliance on iPad communication and look what I did. I left it. Ho. Hum. 21st century drama for sure.

Either way, I am recharged by hanging and geeking out with amazing people once again. Ubuntu. Until the next time we meet...

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