Monday, February 25, 2013

Bridgeport Sound Tigers, Sadly, Didn't Hear a Win...

My experience with ice and skates is limited. I vaguely remember the two-three bladed plastic ones we had as a kid. I also went once during high school and held onto the railing. I think Cynde and I also took Nikki skating when when she was much younger. I also took a group skating through the Liberty Partnerships Program while working at Syracuse. That did not end well - my colleague hit her head skating backwards. It was not good at all and I don't like to think about it.

Why do I mention this? Because I went to a hockey game at the Webster Arena yesterday to watch the Sound Tigers of Bridgeport play Scranton. They lost, but it was a good game. I've only been to see Syracuse Crunch with my Uncle Steve in Syracuse, and I'd forgotten how much I enjoy the sport. I couldn't play it, but I definitely can be a spectator. I'm in awe at the speed they get, their ability to keep up with the puck, and the physical perseverance needed to survive. I told Leo and Bev, friends I went with, that I'm not sure how long I'd last on the ice. I think the first time I got going with some speed and someone slammed into me against the walls, I would get super pissed, I think I would take my stick and whack him across the head. I know why they all play aggressively. It'd make me angry, too, to constantly fall on the ice.

The game went into overtime and then sudden death. The Scranton bunch had one more goal after it was all said and done. And the beer was $8 a bottle. I thought, "Shoot, double that and I can get a case of Newcastle - Americans sure know how to rob a guy."

I was impressed by the crowd, however, as it was a community of fanatics that were really into the game. I was there a few nights ago watching basketball. It's pretty amazing how quickly they convert the facility.

Finally, thanks to Draw Something (2012) I now know what a Zamboni is. Webster arena had two and it is my goal to one day have the opportunity to drive one. Need to add that to my bucket list.

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