Monday, January 7, 2013

A Community of Scotch Taped Faces, Yes!

In case you missed the story of New Mexico's Wes Naman's "Scotch Tape Series" in the NY Daily, I post the link here. I first saw his work on a morning news program, but turned the channel.
"Bryan," I whispered to myself, "you don't need any more distractions in your life right now...especially scotch tape."

The temptation was resisted to visit Naman's work because I know myself too well. I would need to find my own scotch tape and start the work on my own face. I don't need to belong to a population of people who find this amusing, but of course the allure was too strong.

Kaitlyn Kelly posted the link to her Facebook when I told her about it at BJ's over the weekend. And, unable to resist, I clicked her link. The result? Well, I couldn't resist. I now belong to those who are humored in the oddest ways. I am part of the easily sidetracked people of this nation who would much rather tape their face than venture into the tremendous work of making millions of dollars, achieving pure excellence, and pursuing serious endeavors.

This, too me, is much much more important.
I highly recommend it to you, too. If you do, please send me a photo. The club is only as strong as our weakest members!

Here's what you do:

1. Get Scotch Tape.
2. Distort Your Face.
3. Contort Your Face.
4. Find Good Lighting.
5. Position Your Camera (or have another do this).
6. Snap a Photo.
7. Celebrate. You are now part of a ridiculous society.

And do know, there's is no such thing as perfection. I had generic tape and it didn't stick so well. I'm still pleased with the results, especially my lips. I'm sure if I were to attempt this again tomorrow (and I probably will), the result would be different. Happy Taping.

Note: This is Dragonfli on the left and Ardyth (below). They were the first to respond to my call so I added them to this posting. Woot Woot! I know this is probably impossible, but I would love for everyone I know to send me at least one photo of their taped mug. It would fulfill a tremendous void in my life.

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