Saturday, January 5, 2013

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

On a Friday, it's good to have somewhere to go to tip glasses, but I'm afraid there's not Irish Rover in Connecticut (not yet anyway).

Last night, I went out for Thai food with friends and had an evening away from writing, reading, and thinking (well, we did think some at dinner). When I got home, I began reminiscing about Louisville and my weekly pints with Alice and Charlie. It wasn't my father's Clam Bar or his current haunt, Chubby's, but it was where I liked to hang my hat on the weekends. While driving home from the Thai restaurant I began thinking about the theme song from Cheers and why that show resonated so much. It bonded a community of drunks. No, it bonded a community of people who simply wanted to be around other people in a routine. There, the drama was what it was and we, as viewers, never needed to leave the bar. Occasionally we did, but the story was on the barstools.

I know it is Saturday morning, but I am thinking about the fact that everyone needs a Friday night location to break away from work. My flaw is my workaholic tendency, but with a space to tip a few, I am able to unwind for a short bit.

So, here's to your favorite location to be with friends over a beer. Cheers.

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