Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Another Beauty-full day, #2, of @CwpFairfield Invitational Summer Institute

and exuding pride for the young writers and young(er) writers attending their own institutes. My day, yesterday, was moving from room to room checking on the ebb & flow of what we were doing. I kept shaking my head because in each of the three rooms (and even in a computer lab) everyone was writing --- not only writing, but WRITING in the flow (Czikszentmihalyi would applaud because CWP-Fairfield has been in the zone).

The tag teaming between Justine, Shaun, Ali, Cristal, Julie, and Lynn has been wonderful to watch as they flip roles, coach groups, solve problems, and #makesummer happen.

I couldn't help but snap a photo of Beauty and Edna, two teachers in the institute, because they were wearing matching pink. In two days, I've already learned their amazing stories from Pretoria to Puerto Rico. After the institute each night, I hear from Beauty about the great connections they are making: spiritually, personally, globally, and willingly.

I also was pleased at 9 pm last night when Julie's giant ice block came in handy. I am feeding everyone subs tomorrow and I needed to keep them all cool. That is when I remembered that Nanook, I mean Julie, donated that chunk of frozen everything to the institute. It worked perfectly and I was thankful.

But the happiest moment of my day yesterday was watching the young(er) writers and their imaginations. They tackled their writers' notebooks with zest, creativity, a love for drawing, more love for sharing, and the greatest love for policing one another to stay on and off task - what a great age.

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