Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Going for Dapper During the First Snow Fall of the Year

At 6 a.m., the snow was falling and I was thinking about going for a run or going to a gym. I went to the gym. Upon my return, I decked myself out for the walk across campus and my late evening, graduate class. I put on an argyle sweater (one that was too snug last year), a scarf, and a chummy cap. I felt like I should sweep chimneys in my get-up, but I liked the Target-Ad look.

And, my neck was warm all day.

I had to unpack my winter coat from the closet, too, and thought about unleashing the Butters, but I wore dress shoes instead.

Throughout the day, people addressed me with their best British accents and a few remarked I looked like I was walking in NYC. I actually felt like I was auditioning as a Newsboy delivering papers in the 1920s, but whatever - we are living, breathing, performing discourses and others read their assumptions onto us simply by the attire we adorn.

My one regret? The bow-tie. I had one on, and took it off. I still can get myself used to them, even though that has been my intent all year...I want to rock the nerd all the way. It will happen, but I have to gradually work my way up to it.

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