Thursday, May 23, 2013

Follow Up To A Great Day, Yesterday

For the first time in several weeks, I allowed myself to sleep, roll over at 6 a.m. when I woke up, and return to sleep for another hour. At 7, however, I heard typing, and I woke up to see Lossine working on a summer course. "I couldn't sleep," he reported. "I might as well work on school. Besides, I slept for six hours already."

God, I love these kids. Nerds in training.

Abu woke up around 11 and then Rhiannon came from the hotel and we drove for lunch and then a walk on the beach. The Sound was actually quite warm so we took off our shoes and ran through the water. I forgot Rhiannon was a dolphin and meant for water and I could tell her spirit was alive standing in the salt water. As we left the beach, however, a car of Connecticut rednecks drove by and yelled racial slurs at the twins. This pissed me off and I couldn't believe that in 2013 a@@holes like these dudes in the car still exist. A few minutes later when everyone was trying on Willie Wonka-vision glasses at Ocean State Job Lot, the lady at the register asked if the boys were in a Big Brother/Big Sister program. She wondered why Rhiannon, Abu, Lossine and I were hanging together - seriously, the twins mentor us. Ignorance. Both incidences seemed so out of place for the 21st century.

Ah, but ignorance could not destroy a great day with friends while we relaxed, enjoyed one another's company and started to transition to summer mode. The days are always best when we spend them with the very individuals we care about most.

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