Monday, March 4, 2013

Let it Melt! Let it Melt! Let it Melt!

I told my mother, yesterday, that there should be more spring songs to sing when the snow actually goes away. Although I'm stoked to sing "Let it Snow!" when it first arrives, I'm more pumped to see it trickled way into streams when it actually gives ways to growth.

I saw the first daffodils sneaking through the soil this weekend and I know my outdoor running shoes were equally stoked. I was able to pace ten piles on the pavement and felt I was doing my part in the Stratford community to punch out the slush so it was easier to evaporate on the sidewalks. I'm ready for buds, blossoms and sunshine (and I think the rest of southern Connecticut is feeling the same). It's great to see everyone outdoors stretching their legs and getting ready for spring cleaning and the hope that arrives with summer. I know the cycle will return, but for now I'm happy to shed the boots for a pair of shorts and Sauconys.

I actually got runs in, as well as walks. It just feels good to be outside and able to move without hunkering under a hoodie or a jacket. Viva la spring!

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