Friday, October 18, 2013

The Parental Units Have Arrived to Connecticut

Exhibit A. They have acclimated rather well. Mom's on her I-Pad and dad is "resting his eyes" underneath Lois and Luis's birthday painting, 2013. The t.v. is at a volume it rarely reaches and the relaxing has commenced.

In a whirlwind, day one, my friends had to get together tonight for a dinner, because everyone is booked for the weekend. I shut the shades so mom is protected from peeping Toms (she arrived with maple syrup staining her front shirt from lunch and a Tom might mistake her for a waffle).

The goal before sleep is to watch Scandal, which can't be found on the Internet - Days of Our Lives she can find tomorrow.

They arrived with all hands, feet, ears, noses, eyes, and elbows in tact. There poor car, however, is in shock for its prolonged used. The two of them, too, have to accommodate one another: there's a lot more proximity between them now that they left home. Dad can't retreat to his man-cave, and mom doesn't have her second floor oasis. Nope, they are together this weekend for the long haul. Wish all of us luck.

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