Sunday, October 6, 2013

When Oktober-Fest's a Bust, Eat Italian and Go Shopping

I worked hard Friday night and Saturday morning so I could chill out Saturday night and get into some mischief. Around 2 p.m., I learned of Oktober-fest, so I envisioned myself with an evening of Wiener-Schnitzel and ale. Yet, when we arrived at the party, there were few Bavarian divas on tap and, well, there was only a single cricket barely doing a German dance in liederhosen. It looked like a terrible time.

Perplexed, we drove to the home of friends to learn at the base of their driveway that they were all plagued with a flu of some sort. Bummed, we found ourselves an Italian restaurant where we ate steak and scallops, bread with freshly baked garlic, and broccoli.

That brought us to 6:30 and we didn't know what to do. So, we went to Five Below and then Pier One. A stupid night, but mindless enough to get my brain away from academics.

I had a dream last night. It was a busy dream and I was commissioned to pick up lots of people from my past and drive them to a giant beach house. I kept picking up guests until late in the night and upon retrieving the last one, my mother said, "Bryan, you're going to have to sit still at some point and enjoy your company. All these people are here for your birthday." I thought it strange that this was an October dream. She then proceeded to say, "Now that you've picked everyone up and they are here, what are you going to feed them for breakfast?"

I was stressed from driving everyone to the beach house, so I told her, "Don't worry. It will all work out in the morning." I then went outside to look at the moon. My sister, Cynde, was on an outdoor balcony smoking a cigarette. There were lots of dogs, too, and she said, "Oh, everyone brought their pets." I noticed two fat hounds I'd never seen before and one of them jumped off the balcony and started to run down the road (at this point, the road was Main Street in Sherburne, New York - home of the NYS Pageant of Bands." I chased the dog and finally tackled it like it was a pig in a rodeo. I brought it back and woke up, wide awake. I was exhausted.

I have an interpretation for this dream that makes a lot of sense to me. That is why I took last night off to simply let happen, what happened. It was slow, not what was planned, but a great distraction from always being on the go. And so I'm thankful to spend it exactly as I did.

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