Thursday, October 10, 2013

Throwback to Whitley Strieber

Two days ago sucked. Then yesterday turned out okay. Miraculously, after a prayer for more time, I suddenly had a cancellation and four hours given back to me. This was remarkable, and I got so much accomplished.

Then, via Facebook, an ol' friend from when I was 19 years old contacted me and updated me on his life, which prompted me to reach out to another friend from that time. We all lived on Wigmore Place in London together (pre-The Real World, but definitely a season of it).

Long, long, epic stories short, I had to laugh. Earlier, I had purchased several aliens for a workshop I'm doing tomorrow with students. Then, becoming reacquainted with an old friend from my youth, I remembered a bonding moment for us. There was a night we started talking about UFOs and most thought the whole ordeal of them as preposterous. I had read Whitley Strieber's Communion before arriving to the United Kingdom, and I had concocted in my brain this brilliant idea that one day, I too, would be abducted by aliens.

Now, this was an insane premise, but one of my roommates pulled me to the side and confessed that she, too, had this premonition that there would be a day when she would be taken to another planet. The confession bonded us and, now 20+ years later, we are still connected by this bizarre interest that there is alien life amongst us and there's a chance we might be kidnapped for a magnificent, intergalactic experiment.

I hadn't thought about that oddity until yesterday when we got in touch. She asked if I remembered that confession and I did. Stranger was that I had just purchased aliens (and she had just watched Reality Bites again, thinking about our young lives).

Perhaps October is the month for it to finally occur. I know my mom and Aunt Jackie saw UFOs in Hamilton, New York. I'm thinking that they came prematurely for me and I wasn't even born yet.
If I turn up missing, let this post be a testimony that I'm probably no longer of this world. I'm talking and visiting with Abu's people.

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