Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cicadas, a friend, a Friday, and a sunset

What is beautiful about summer (when you have it) is the extended day light and the extra time to fit in a walk and talk with a good friend. Last night, Julie Roneson, a co-teacher of the summer institute, and I had a chance to eat some Thai, then meander to Milford for a walk along the sound. There's not much better than walking along the water processing life with another, especially as we noticed the back-to-school cicadas are singing and the sun is setting a little earlier. Taking such time becomes rare when the chaos of a school year begins, even when such walks are extremely important, therapeutic, and necessary.

I have to agree with her that living by water makes life a lot more enjoyable, especially when skylines can be captured into memory and temperature lie around 74 degrees. The port-a-potty, a necessity after drinking water to cool our mouths from Thai food, wasn't as pleasant and, perhaps, I ruined the flow (no pun intended) of this post with making reference to it, too. But, it too, was a reality of a later August occasion.

Beyond traffic. Beyond work hours. Beyond the hustle and bustle, there are also moments like these that deserve to be cherished. Perhaps, if they were more frequent they wouldn't have the same effect.

Even so, it is always great strolling with so many others trying to soak in the last seconds of summer.

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