Wednesday, August 14, 2013

In exchange for aluminum foil, a t-shirt

When I jumped in my car yesterday to ride across the Long Island Sound, I was greeted with the 2013 Hoops4Hope t-shirt. My cousin must have thrown it into the front seat last night before we left for Montauk...either that or after we returned. It was a nice surprise before I headed off.

And I laughed, too, that he asked me a serious question. "Bryan," he wondered. "Did you do something with my aluminum foil?"

Why yes, I did.

See, I went to cook vegetables on the grill and needed aluminum foil and his roll was a mess. There were several strands and layers - impossible to get any off. I took a knife, slit a layer, and then worked on the ends so the roll would role properly. My niece, Nikki, taught me this, I believe. Either way, he found it, noticed it, and loved it.

"Give me a hug, Cuz," he remarked, as we said our good-bye.

And then the t-shirt this morning. It made my day. Community. Family. Brotherhood.

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