Monday, August 5, 2013

No humidity...I will take it.

Last night I went to the Long Island sound in Milford and relaxed with a 70s cover band and a gallon of lemonade (and Southern Comfort). I reflected on how uncomfortable the heat was in Kentucky and how this time of year, the atmosphere was spent wiping moisture off your face and swatting mosquitoes. No, I don't miss that and the northeast summers are much more comfortable.

Tomorrow, I return to Fairfield to clean up after four weeks of institutes. I have multiple goals to attempt in a two-day work week of getting things completed and set up for later August.

Beauty was driven to the airport in Weschester and the house is now a tad bit quieter. I realized after I played my games and caught up on my email that I rather like having distractions hosted in my house. It keeps me going, thinking, doing, and being in a pace that doesn't exist when I am left to my own discretion.

All day I've been thinking of Beauty and her 22 hour flight back to Pretoria and am sending all my prayers to the great whatever that she lands safely and will be with Boipelo, her daughter, very soon. It's odd to think that this will not be until Tuesday.

I told Pam that today was the first day that my face experienced the sun. It's been an indoor summer for the most part, except for my runs (feet running, that is). Sun is good. 80 degree temperatures with no humidity even better. Let's hope it continues.

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