Tuesday, September 10, 2013

and, we're off...let the meetings begin

If there's anything I can declare with absolute sincerity it is that 99.9% of all meetings are worthless. At times, I feel people meet to schedule meetings so they won't forget to meet again. It would be one thing if they were productive, but usually they are mind-numbing, pointless, and an exercise in self-importance.

Still, this is the world I signed up for, so meet I must.

They begin today and I already have a headache. I think it is because my nature is to work and get things done, whereas meetings are about creating work and assigning people to get things done for the work that is created, which usually is unnecessary and established because people need something to meet about when they meet.

Then, at the next meetings, all the meeting groups report on their other meetings, usually with bulleted clarity that they only had a short meeting and nothing was decided while they met.

This is not new. I felt the same way in high school when I began joining clubs and we would meet. As a worker bee, I usually did my part, but the majority of others did not. Therefore the meetings were pointless.

And I'm terrible at scheduling them for the purposes of my own work.

Yes, this is bad attitude Tuesday and I need to check myself before I head out in the world. It's destined to be a very long day. Wish me luck.

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