Friday, September 6, 2013

I Blame Leo For This...

Debauchery in my little gray car. Corruption. Evil. Total raunch and absolutely addicting.

From the writers of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, this Broadway musical has been advertising out of NYC since I moved to Connecticut. I figured it was raw and I was right. Funny raw. Inappropriate raw. Totally Team America raw, and I love it. Although some of the songs are too much, most of them are catchy and I find myself singing them at awkward times, getting the glance like I'm a pervert or the smile that says, "I'm one of you. Sick, too."

Leo loaned me the CD a few weeks ago and he, his wife, and I have vowed to go see the show if we can ever find enough money for a $170 ticket. Funny that a show based utterly on blasphemy is so popular that tickets, as expensive as they are, are impossible to get.

And I feel like it is cathartic admitting to the fact that I'm listening to the lyrics of this musical. Everyday when I drive onto the Jesuit university where I work, I feel somewhat impish.

But that's the point. It' so American: corny, edgy, and obnoxious. Totally in musical theater form. Reminds me of my first year at Binghamton when freshmen were required to take musical theater with Dr. Susan Peters (one of the hardest classes I've ever taken, but I learned a lot). I wonder, though, how she works this piece into her brilliant lectures.

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