Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Had I been an accounting major...

...I might have a grasp on my creativity.

This guy reads books. This guy writes. This guy plays with poetry and can distract himself for hours doodling off a new idea and syncopating beyond his imagination. This guy nerds out on the Internet and, to relax, plays word games. This guy is not a financial guy.

Yet, this guy is in charge of summer budgets for CWP-Fairfield and other yearlong endeavors.

This means that this guy has to figure out how much to charge for programs, who to hire, how much to pay who he hires, how many participants are needed to make the program work, where to seek additional funding from grants, and how to implement the grants, economically, when the money arrives.

Had I not been so creative, I might have more confidence in my accounting.

Ah, but I'm succeeding. It looks like I will be able to hire 7 or 8 teachers to work with me this summer as we host three writing institutes for students and another for teachers. I'm also excited (stoked) about bringing a special guest from South Africa to join our cohort.

And the dollars need to add up, because my June course begins next week and I won't have time to play with numbers as I am doing this week. I've been saying this a lot lately, "Man, I've really had to grow up in the last two years." Ha. But forever 15. 

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